Tracy & Jason

October 10, 2025 • Chesterfield, VA
211 Days To Go!

Tracy & Jason

October 10, 2025 • Chesterfield, VA
211 Days To Go!

Our Story

It all started in THIS picture!

Cheers to KNOWING

Yep, this picture is from our very first date on Monday, March 25, 2024! While it doesn't seem like all that long ago, for us it feels like a lifetime ago and just yesterday all at the same time. It's far from the classic case of boy meets girl. After some REALLY bad failed attempts at online dating, we each decided to give it just one more try. One last swipe (we won't tell you who swiped first)! From the very first moment that we sat at a table overlooking the water that evening, we knew. There's no way to explain it, but we knew. Looking back we laugh about it now, but we learned quickly that just because WE knew, it didn't mean EVERYONE in our lives were so sure about it! It took less than seven weeks from that first date for Jason to propose. While Tracy's dad was more than thrilled when Jason asked him for her hand in marriage (mostly because it meant that Tracy would have someone else to help her do all of her brilliant Pinterest inspired home improvement projects), most of our close friends and family hadn't been convinced yet. Of course, the first ones to jump on board were Tracy's nieces (mainly because Josie and Sam just wanted to send Jason a Facebook request so that they could do a full FBI screening). After that, we knew the only thing that would convince them all was time. If they SAW just how much our lives were better together, they would know what we knew - this was our time! So we set out to prove it to all of them (and most of YOU) over the next year and a half. Within that time, our families became a family. Our children, our siblings, our little princess granddaughter Bella, they are our family, our home base, and our biggest supporters. Our closest friends have admitted that while they thought we were crazy (and they aren't wrong about that), that we are the best kind of crazy for each other. Of all of the things our loved ones have come to learn, the one that touches us the most is when they candidly tell us that they have never seen us so happy. That's all the confirmation we ever needed for us to say "NOW they know what we knew in that picture!"

We hope that you will join us as we celebrate KNOWING ---- knowing our love, knowing your love for us, and knowing that we have the most amazing future ahead, as husband and wife filled with the people we love most.

Cheers to KNOWING!